The Scarlet Life:
The Life of Christ in His Own Words
The only way we can live a victorious Christian life is if we see Christ clearly and continually strive to become more like Him. This should be the desire of every true Christian and is at the heart of why we are called Christians. Understanding the Word of God should be the foundation of our faith, and studying the life and ministry of Jesus is foundational to our Christian life.
Nothing can replace reading and studying the entire Gospel account of Jesus’ life as the Holy Spirit inspired it. This book is not a replacement for the entirety of the Gospels. This book is intended to stand alongside the inspired Word of God as a study tool to help tell the chronological story of Christ through His own words found in the Gospels. Christ’s life was a scarlet life, meaning He lived as an eternal sacrifice for us. His blood washes us clean from every sin past, present, and future. The Gospels are part of the perfectly inspired word of God, and we need to study them in their entirety to understand what it means to follow our Lord and Savior.
The Scarlet Life: The Life of Christ in His Own Words provides a chronological account of the life of Christ as told in His own words, so that we, as Christians, can follow our role model, Jesus Christ more faithfully.
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