Mission Endure 39: How to deal with the coming Hyperinflation
I have been following Herrick Kimble for several years. He lives a lifestyle I admire and would like to follow some day. He also writes a blog called HeavenStretch, which is a very insightful blog centering with the thought that Jesus will be returning soon. It is like we are in the homestretch in a horse race, except the finish line is the return of Jesus and eternity with him in heaven, hence the name HeavenStretch. In his most current post Herrick links back to he post in 2013 that provides us an answer to how we will best battle the coming hyperinflation. When our country is deeply in debt and we continue to print money at the rate we want to in order to pay our bills, the end result will be hyperinflation. What is the best way to counteract his hyperinflation? Please read Herrick’s post to see what his recommendation is. Here is a link to Herrick’s post called Helicopter Harbinger.