Mission Endure 62: 10 Recipes from The Great Depression to Survive the Next One


I found a great article on the Self Sufficient Projects Website listing 10 Recipes from The Great Depression to Survive the Next One. It made me hungry just reading the post. It includes new recipes to some of my favorite foods. If you enjoy these foods please go to the website and download the recipes:

  1. One-Pot Potato Soup

  2. Crispy-Edged Cornbread

  3. Macaroni and Cheese

  4. Vegetable Pickle

  5. White Sauce Cassarole

  6. Coconut Cookies

  7. Great Grandmother’s Potato Pancakes

  8. Basic Bread Pudding

  9. Sausage Potato Supper

  10. Navy Bean Soup

These are pretty much the foods I grew up on in the 1960s, so there is no ownership for the Great Depression crowd. These are all easy to cook and very tasty!


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