Mission Endure 63: Could the Vaccine Passport Be the Mark of the Beast?
The Two Beasts by Matthew Gerung (1500-1570)
Revelation 13:16-17 (NASB)
And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.
We are living in an historic time. Our world has never been as connected technologically as we are right now, while at the same time it has never been as ideologically disconnected as we are right now. We have endured the Covid 19 pandemic for nearly 2 years and earlier this year it looked like we had crested the top of the hill and we would begin to experience some parts of normal life again. We have not seen the death rate rise substantially, but, with the increased contagiousness of the Covid Delta variant came warnings to socially distance again and parts of our society have been pushing hard for vaccine passports to ensure social distancing and contact tracing. People are not able to enter many urban restaurants and shopping venues without showing proof that they have been vaccinated. This is behavior that two years ago we would have thought to be an intrusion of privacy, but this morning New York City announced that all restaurants, gyms, and indoor venues will require proof of vaccination for anyone to enter the building. I am sure we will see other municipal governments, and possibly soon the federal government moving to the same sort of system. People may call my reaction inhumane, but this seems like an over reaction to a virus that has less than a 1% lethality rate.
While reading the book of Revelation I often wondered how the antiChrist would persuade people to adopt to a one-world order, a one-world currency, and a one-world system (the mark of the beast) that people will have to be registered in to purchase and sell anything. But now we know. We are rapidly moving toward a system that will require all of us to register and carry with us in order to go to a restaurant, work out at the gym, watch a concert in person, write a check, or order supplies at Amazon. And this system will track us in the name of contact tracing. We will no longer have the right to any privacy. Everything that we want to do will be monitored by Big Brother, and we will not be able to do anything without the government’s approval. If you don’t think this is currently happening then you are wrong. The banning of accounts on Twitter, FaceBook, and other social media sites is where it started. Now, Christian organizations and businesses that support conservative values are being banned from the app stores and payment processors.
I moved my primary social media accounts from FaceBook to Gab right after the Presidential election because I was upset that social media suppressed much of the conservative voice before the election. Banning a sitting US President from social media should be illegal and Big Tech should be ashamed of what they did. They tried to influence our election in the same way they accuse the Russians or Chinese of influencing our election. I still use FaceBook and check it a couple of times per week mainly to keep track of what my long-time friends are up to, but it is no longer my primary social media account. When I switched to Gab I noticed that has been blacklisted from the app stores and payment platforms. If you tell me that isn’t true then I will respond that Gab is a free platform, but I wanted to become a Gab Pro member, in order to support Andrew Torba, a fellow brother in Christ and what he is doing with free speech on Gab. The cost for Gab Pro is $15 per month. In order to become a Gab pro member I had to pay my membership fee in BitCoin because PayPal, and all the other payment processing companies, have blacklisted Gab from their payment processing systems because Gab defends freedom of speech. All of the credit card companies have blacklisted Gab also. Silicon Valley is building a social credit program that will include financial censorship if you don’t comply with their policies. Gab is at the leading edge of the financial censorship, but we will all fall under this censorship if we don’t become a part of their system. If you don’t think the same thing will happen to you then you are mistaken. There are plans underway currently among Big Tech to ban livestream church services from social media sites. That should grab your attention. You can watch Andrew’s latest video documenting all this on Gab here.
Now we know what is behind the vaccine passports. People are like sheep. They desire to be taken care of and to be told what to do. Many will comply and not think twice about it, but they will simply be feeding the machine and making it bigger and more dangerous.
We have seen massive demonstrations in France, Italy, and Australia where the government announced mandatory vaccine passports. This will be happening in our country in a month or less. We are headed there and we have to make up our mind ahead of time whether we want to comply or if we want to resist. I am not talking about rioting, I am talking about peaceably resisting the coming mandatory vaccine passports.
The Vaccine Passport has all of the characteristics of what the book of Revelation calls the mark of the beast, but I don’t think it is the actual the mark of the beast. It will overwrite all the freedoms our Constitution guarantees us, and it will overwrite all the guarantees to privacy that come along with the freedoms. The vaccine passport may not be the mark of the beast, but it is being used to condition us so that when the mark of the beast is developed almost no one, including many Christians, will question it. They will simply comply and swear their allegiance to the beast, or to the one-world, globalist government. I don’t think the vaccine passport is the mark of the beast, but it may be the last opportunity we get to push back on this concept. That is why so many people are protesting in France, Italy, and Australia. We need to do the same thing here. We need to resist here while we still have a partial voice.
Here are my suggestions on how we can resist this push to a globalist economy. Christians also need to create an alternative economy, one that is dependent on cash and not electronic forms of payment. We can do this in the following ways:
- Read the Bible, especially the books of Matthew and Revelation. I have included a copy of my Revelation Bible Study as part of this blog post.
- Simplify your life
- Pay off any debt you have
- Start putting money into an emergency fund
- Raise as much of your own food as possible. Plant a garden.
- Make sure your medical problems have been currently looked at and that any prescriptions you have are recently filled
- Frequent Farmer’s Markets for your food. Many of them offer great prices and accept cash payment.
- Develop relationships with local farmers. They will have food when the supermarkets don’t
- Start learning Do It Yourself skills so you can fix your own problems and do your own maintenance at home
This is a good place to remind you why we started the Mission Endure website. Matthew 24:13 says:
But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.
We want to help you fight the good fight until Jesus returns
Come quickly Lord Jesus!